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Hares are in charge of run preparation and the circle.
Location of the Run
Set the run no farther than 200 km away from Bangkok, which includes stunning Hashing
locations, such as Khao Yai, Kaeng Krajan, Suan Phueng, Khao Chamao, and nearby
favorites Khao Khiao, Khao Chomphu, and Khao Mai Kaew. Send the run directions and other relevant information to the webmaster at least 15 days before the run date.

The Trail
We should run on trails, and in the bush, preferably in hills and mountains. Please limit
running on dirt roads. Asphalt roads are not allowed. Set a short run of around an hour, and long run of over two hours with at least one water stop.The trail should be marked in shredded paper. M
arkings should follow Bangkokconventions.
On the Day of the Run
Register Hash names of the participants (or, if no Hash names are available, the real names), and send the list to webmaster after the run. Collect a run fee of 100 baht per person to cover hare expenses (unless the hares decide to sponsor this fee), and send 400 baht to webmaster for web maintenance cost. If the hares would like to provide special treats (T- shirts, special dinner, booze), and wish to charge more, then this must be announced on the website prior to the run. Provide chilled water bottles (4 per person or more) for the start of the run, and for the water stop. Provide 2 blocks of ice, and sufficient ice cubes to fill “the bucket”, for the circle.
The Circle
Find a green and beautiful location far from roads, cars and people. Hashers bring their own food and booze unless the hares decide otherwise. The hares decide when the circle starts and finishes. The hares name rolling Religious Advisors, and retain absolute power for the duration of the circle.
 * * * * *
If you are interested in haring a run for the Bangkok Bush Hash,
please contact trailmaster


Bangkok Bush Hash - Guideline for Hares

Bangkok HHH Saturday afternoons, men only
 Bangkok Monday Hash House Harriers
Bangkok Hash House Bikers Last weekend of month
Bangkok Harriettes Wednesday evenings, all welcome
Siam Sunday Hash First and third Sunday of month
Bangkok  Thursday Hash Thursday evenings, all runners welcome.
Master Pattaya Jungle H3 logo.jpg
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